
ZAC is a modern-age project designed to meet the demand for financial innovation and improved
financial system efficiency through Defi and blockchain technology. It strives to create a decentralized
financial ecosystem by offering a complete range of Defi based products and solutions. ZAC platform is
on the forefront of Defi based fintech innovation by being among the pioneers in combining a variety of
defi products and solutions, under a unified ecosystem, enabling consumers to execute financial
activities in a trustless and cost effective way. It is important to note that to enable complete
decentralization within the ecosystem, the founding body at ZAC Finance holds no token, allowing full
authority to the community to decide about what allocation does the operation team deserves. 


ZAC Finance users trust the people and the team behind the project, competently manage funds and provide the services offered by the business.ZAC Finance and DeFi both deliver a wide range of cryptocurrency-related financial services but the return on investment will be different with ZAC.
ZAC Finance give to enables users to borrow stablecoins with up to 500x leverage!Its incredible!!!
ZAC providing liquidity in a pools and you can stake your ZAC token to get ZAC reward! How do you like this income?
DeFi just has the potential to replace every existing financial service, and that too with an add-on of decentralization.
DeFi movement overall is still a child, decentralized derivatives are the new-borns, but growing fast.As with all DeFi innovations these days, the trading of these synths will be reliant on system liquidity.
So dont miss this brilliant project ZAC Finance to bring us together to a bright and happy future!!!


Z-Trade is an innovative non-custodial crypto exchange that allows trading of stable crypto assets while
also allowing users to avail up to 500X. By using blockchain based decentralized architecture, Z-Trade
ensures transparency and authenticity of trades at minimal costs.


ZAC also features a dedicated one-side utomated market maker that uses decetralised autonomous
organization or smart contracts for enabling quick, efficient and low cost token swapping (or market
making). It is completely decentralized and acts as an open source market maker, with no central token
or platform fee. Moreover, it also ensures to support all Er20 based tokens, with preference being given
to a specific set of users or projects.


Vote :
Z-Valut is a protocol that automates yield farming. It uses AI and BigData to look for innovative farming
strategies, with the objective of bringing maximum yield to the community. 


Token Allocation

Key Token Information

Name: ZAC Token
Symbol: ZAC
Type: ERC20
Blockchain Network: Ethereum


Contract Address:


Contract Audit:


Audit report:



ZAC Contract Deployed

ZAC Contract was deployed
on Main Network on 04
September. 2020.


ZAC Finance Presale
Our First Pre-Sale started
on 15th September, 2020
and we sold almost 5130

Listing on UniSwap

On 19th September, 2020 -
ZAC Finance was listed on


Liquidity Locked

Locked Liquidity on
Uniswap for 1 year on 19th
September, 2020


CMC & Coingecko

Submitted the form for listing on
CMC and Coingecko - September,


Whitepaper V2

Whitepaper V2 with
updated metrics and values
will be provided to the


ZAC Contract Audited

ZAC Contract is audited by
callisto Network in October,


Launch Z-Farm

Z-Farm will be launched in
October, 2020


Launch Z-Stake

Z-Stake will be launched in
October, 2020


Launch Z-Vote & Z-Vault

After the successful
launching of Z-Stake and
Z-Farm, we will proceed
launching Z-Vote and
Z-Vault in October, 2020



PArtnerships will start in
November, 2020 for ZAC Finance


Launch Z-Swap & Z-Trade

December, 2020 will be the
time when we launch
Z-Swap and Z-Trade for ZAC






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